The 2nd-century writer Apuleius claimed that Catullus gave his lover Clodia the pseudonym Lesbia; Wiseman traces Apuleius's source for this claim to the historian Suetonius, and Suetonius'z sources to Gaius Julius Hyginus's De Vita Rebusque Illustrium Virorum. Kinsey, Hermes 94(1966), 253-254, malgré les réserves de Maslowski, AJPh 112(1991), 507-511). Leigh postulates that Cicero attempts to make the jury study what he claims to be the central issues in the case, as if they were watching a comedy. Die Pro Caelio ist eine der bekanntesten erhaltenen Reden des Rhetorikers, Staatsmannes und Philosophen Marcus Tullius Cicero.Als Verteidigungsrede für Marcus Caelius Rufus wurde sie am 4. L’intérêt majeur de cette nouvelle édition provient d’abord de la richesse du commentaire: faits de langue, faits historiques, personnes citées sont l’objet de notes précises et pertinentes. Exoleti were characterised by effeminacy, sexual passivity, immorality and an insatiable carnal appetite. [19] Leen argued that the domus had developed a conscience through the ordeal, aided and abetted Clodia through the murder of Dio and convicted her of the crime afterwards. Quelques omissions curieuses: l’édition de Cousin (Paris, 1962; Budé) et surtout celle d’A. Pour traduire du français à l'latin, saisissez le texte dans la fenêtre supérieure d'édition et cliquez sur le bouton Traduire. In the end, Caelius was acquitted of all of the charges. Cicero must first present Clodia as an unchaste, promiscuous woman, and he accomplishes that by his use of language associated with prostitution while he describes her. Vollgraff ? qui pense. Il y a trois ans, j’ai dit ici même (BMCR 2011.04.20) tout le bien que je pense de l’édition du Pro Roscio Amerino qu’A. 54-170. M. Wissemann, Glotta 62(1984), 80-89). – Même confusion au § 31 ( sollicitauit quos potuit, parauit, horam locum constituit, attulit): le lecteur apprend bien que horam est une conjecture de Housman pour la leçon quam (C) et que Maslowski préfère lire quodam modo, mais non que les manuscrits autres que C portent parauit locum constituit, ce qui cadre parfaitement avec le rythme de la phrase (cf. Leigh's analysis suggests that the comedic influence within Cicero's defense speech remains focused on the distinction between the ill-fated young male lover (Caelius) and the assault generated at him by an immoral prostitute (Clodia Pulcher). OLD, s.u. The décor and visitors of the domus and the family determined the owner's reputation, power and prestige in Republican Rome. For instance, Hollis quotes Cicero's use of equus Troianus and muliebre bellum, both of which were titles of popular tragedies contemporary with Cicero's oration. XXVIII – Latin juxtalinéaire Nunc enim quis est qui non probet, … qui arbitretur. Définitions de Caelius, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Caelius, dictionnaire analogique de Caelius (finnois) But if you wish me to deal more courteously with you, I will argue the matter thus with you. Butrica admits that the accusations of incest in the Pro Caelio are explicitly clear, but he characterises them as an escalation in Cicero's rhetoric against Clodius that go from merely mocking his sexual passivity to making serious charges of illegal sexual conduct with his own sister. [8], Anne Leen's article "Clodia Oppugnatrix: The Domus Motif in Cicero's Pro Caelio" argued that Cicero's use of the Roman institution of the domus, or home, established the respectable reputation of Caelius and the ghastly reputation of Clodia. L.R. Pour une traduction français-latin, entrez le texte français dans. L'esprit positif des Romains leur à fait pro­duire de bonne heure dans la législation, l'éloquence, l'his­toire, des œuvres qui par leurs qualités de précision, de vigueur, d'utilité même, —d'utilité accomplie-- prennent un caractère de beauté, mais qui sont militantes et n'ont pas en vue la beauté. zus. <>Cic. T.E. [18] Through Cicero's attack of Clodia, Caelius was established as the innocent victim; his innocence essentially convicted Clodia of the murder of Dio. [5] In fact, Herennius stated that the case against Caelius would not have been made without the prosecution against Bestia. A free translation in French of these two speeches is to be found in Collection des auteurs latins avec la traduction en français publiés sous la direction de M. Nisard: Œuvres complétes de Cicéron, vol. Click a word to see morphological information. Bryn Mawr PA 19010. If Caelius was convicted, he could proceed with his prosecution against Bestia. Cavarzere (Venezia, 1987), ainsi que de ce dernier l’important article « La Pro Caelio: vent’anni dopo », in B. Santalucia (éd. By having her own household, she was taking what was rightly owned by men in Ancient Rome and so she blurred the lines between men and women. Butrica goes on to cite the 4th-century commentator Maurus Servius Honoratus, who noted that the word pulcher was sometimes used as an ironic euphemism for the word exoletus, which were Roman males raised as sex slaves from boyhood. 1.27 ( est ficta res quae tamen fieri potuit).3 – P. 75 ad § 10: j’aurais aimé que l’on explicite le sujet de abhorrere debet : un Caelius sous-entendu (ainsi Austin, Gardner, Berry) ou familiaritas, sujet de la subordonnée qui précède (Heinze, de Labriolle, Cousin, Cavarzere)? Clodia's house is mentioned the most and it "a problematized space in which traditional Roman expectations of domestic behavior are egregiously violated". Soutenez le site et la numérisation de traductions à l’aide de paypal pour l’adresse marcel.xenophon (arobase) [facile !] I, Catil.). The most obvious is, of course, during the course of his vociferous assaults on Clodia, Cicero often compares her to Medea and also Clytemnestra. However, the association is weakened somewhat by James L. Butrica's argument in "Clodius the Pulcher in Catullus and Cicero". His once-great house, which housed Caelius first, no longer existed after Clodia. Traducteur latin français. 2b) et non de ueridicus (≠ mendax). - PRO CN. 2. E. de Saint-Denis, « Le plus spirituel des discours cicéroniens: le pro Caelio », IL 10 (1958), 105-113. Rez. 33: Cic. cicÉron Œuvres complÈtes de cicÉron avec la traduction en franÇais publiÉe sous la direction de m. nisard professeur d'Éloquence latine au collÈge de france. Clodia had helped loot Cicero's house during his exile after the Catiline events, and in 60 BC, Cicero wrote a letter to Atticus in which he "[indulged] in an extremely lewd witticism at Clodia's expense". : Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques, 1930. [22], A. S. Hollis points out in an article written in 1998 that Cicero uses subtle references to popular tragedies that circulated around Rome at the time that Pro Caelio was given. However, Caelius won the trial and gained recognition among Roman citizens. De la traduction au commentaire: problèmes de méthode, Franche-Comté 2009 (BMCR 2010.08.39). Bruun finally suggests that Cicero's oratorical ploy was developed for convenience and to supply a "witty invective that referred to known malpractices in Rome". cur… aut coniuetis aut… poenas in diem reseruatis ? Bruun also concludes that Cicero, who remained the legal defender of Caelius, ultimately used the conceptual phrase aqua inceste uterere in "referring to the commonly known possession of a water supply by some brothels in Rome, while at the same time implying that Clodia was a prostitute." Publius Clodius and Lucius Herennius Balbus came to Atratinus's assistance. Cael.]. le relevé p. 29-30). jusqu’ici te semblé-je inoccupé ? Furthermore, Bruun concludes that although those possible arguments can explain why Cicero attempted to connect Clodia to immorality and water, he simply used that argumentation to suggest that Clodia's case against Caelius was unfounded. à l’aide de parenthèses aiguës), cette insertion est certes justifiée dans le commentaire (p. 75), mais, sans apparat critique, le lecteur n’apprend pas que tum qui précède et qui appelle à la rigueur cum, se trouve dans le seul Cluniacensis (C), reconstitué par A.C. Clark à partir des marginalia dans le ms. Paris, BNF, lat. F. Montanari/L. In-8 broché, en partie non coupée, X+97pp. The public directed most of their anger toward Pompey, whom they believed to be responsible for the murder. 4. [14], Cicero also brought the history of the Clodian family into his speech to discredit Clodia by contrasting Clodia's present behavior with the behaviour of her "great Republican lineages". > Traduire. Mot latin traduction. Cael. ), Dyck retient la correction de Bake ( illic pour ille) et substitue lui-même alter à la leçon an des manuscrits (souvenir de la paraphrase du passage par I.C. R. Dyck venait de publier et qui complétait la liste déjà longue de ses commentaires cicéroniens ( Off., Leg., Nat. Clodius and Clodia were determined to punish Caelius for leaving them. Pro Marco Caelio is perhaps Cicero's best-loved speech and has long been regarded as one of the best surviving examples of Roman oratory. However, Caelius still wanted to make a name for himself in Rome, and in April 59 BC, he brought prosecution against Gaius Antonius Hybrida, Cicero's colleague in the consulship of 63 BC, for extortion. Theexpression in this word allows the human undergo to studied and read this book again and still. From 62 to 60, Caelius left Rome to serve with the governor of Africa, Quintus Pompeius Rufus. However, Wiseman characterizes Cicero's rhetoric as remaining "on the level of mocking insinuation without proof or evidence" and notes that while there were whispers of Clodius committing incest with all three of his sisters, multiple disinterested sources exist only concerning his alleged relationship with the youngest sister, Clodia Luculli. The magistrate Gnaeus Domitius presided over the trial. Moreover, scholars agree that the repeated word pulcher, meaning "pretty", in Catullus's poem 79 is a pun on Clodius's cognomen, Pulcher.