The time, days of the week, months of the year (even calculating for bissextile years), and year were accurately displayed. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire de l'Art français: 124–134. * Nolhac, Pierre de (1929). C’est à cet emplacement que l’on décida, au retour de la Cour à Versailles, d’im¬ planter les bains de Louis XV ; ils devaient y rester, Versalia. Antichambre des Chiens. Dictionnaire du Grand Siècle. Dating from 1775, the room was redecorated in 1785 during the construction of a theater next to the salon d’Hercule, Louis XVI decided to remodel this room as a game room (Verlet 1985, p. 528). * Lighthart, Edward (1997). L'Antichambre des chiens et la Salle à manger des Retours de chasse [article] 28 - 49. A new room was constructed on the site formerly occupied by the degré du roi of Louis XIV, the antichambre des chiens (Verlet 1985, p. 442). With the destruction of the escalier des ambassadeurs in 1752 and the subsequent construction of the apartment for Madame Adélaïde, the cabinet des médailles of Louis XIV was completely transformed into an antichambre for Madame Adélaïde. This new apartment occupied space that had been the petite galerie and the two salons as well as new space created by the suppression of the escalier des ambassadeurs (1760 plan #9). Châteaux et palais. With the exception of reclaiming part of the apartment of Madame Adélaïde, Louis XVI chose to retain the décor of the petit appartement du roi as his grandfather had left it. However, owing to the financial demands of the War of the League of Augsburg, the plans were abandoned. This relocation of the staircase precipitated the rearrangement of rooms in this part of the château to become the petit appartement du roi. * Mauricheau-Beaupré, Charles (1949). In 1692, the cabinet des coquilles (1693 plan #5) and the salon ovale (1693 plan #6) were created. However, owing to the discomfort of the room in winter – its size and eastern exposure made it difficult, if not impossible, to heat – Louis XV was compelled to establish his bedroom elsewhere (Verlet 313-314). Revue de la Société des Amis de Versailles, n°3, 2000. pp. Classé depuis 30 ans au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité, le château de Versailles constitue l’une des plus belles réalisations de l’art français au XVIIe siècle. * Monicart, Jean-Baptiste de (1720). Louis XVI used the room – allegedly – as a place where he could maintain his personal financial accounts (Verlet 1985, p. 526). 108: 7–22. In contrast to the grand appartement du roi and the appartement du roi, which were open to members of the court and the general public, the petit appartement du roi was only accessible though the personal consent of the king (Bluche, 1991). Of all the rooms that formed the petit apartment du roi during the reign of Louis XIV, the cabinet des médailles (1693 plan #10) was one of the most remarkable of its sort ever assembled in France (Hulftegger, 1954). Additionally, there were cabinets arranged in the room in which Louis XIV kept his collection of carved rock crystal (Brejon de Lavergnée, 1985; Félibien, 67; Piganiole de la Force, 129; Verlet 1985, p. 229). Versailles. 25 nov. 2020 - Explorez le tableau « boiseries » de Jérôme Pi, auquel 139 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. 6 pér., vol. Tout comme du côté de la reine, pour créer un appartement de nuit à l’usage du duc de Bourgogne, un bâtiment nouveau fut élevé dans la cour du roi, mais ici uniquement pour la commodité de son service : «le Roy a réglé de faire cette année le Batiment neuf dans la petite cour pour la jonction des petits appartements avec les Grands apparte¬, ments, conformément au dessin qu'il a approuvé... Cette construction, jetée comme un pont entre les deux châteaux, comprenait au rez-de-chaus¬ sée un passage ouvert voûté à arcades avec, au-dessus, contre le Degré du Roi, une chambre affec¬ tée aux garçons du château, et du côté du Salon de Mercure, une seconde chambre destinée aux suisses du Grand Appartement, chacune avec leur dégagement2 (fig. Paris: Perrin. volume 3. 2002 - Château de Versailles : Restauration des décors de l'Antichambre des Chiens. * Saule, Béatrix (December 2005). Nouvelle description des châteaux et parcs de Versailles et Marly. La salle à manger des porcelaines a été créée sous Louis XV pour ses soupers de retours de chasse. Paris: C. Nego. Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Appartement de Louis XIV. In: Versalia. Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Cette pièce qui comprend un … Souvenirs d'un page de la cour de Louis XVI. 4 volumes. The cabinet intérieur (1740 plan #4) served a number of purposes: it housed part of Louis XV numismatic collection and collection of miniature paintings; it served as a dining room; and, it served as a workroom. Chantilly, France Ce tableau fut commandé en 1735 par le roi Louis XV pour la salle à manger des Petits Appartements du château de Versailles, dite des retours de chasse, d’où l’absence de femmes. "L'ameublement de la chambre de Louis XIV à Versailles de 1701 à nos jours". With the evolution of the cabinet intérieur, Louis XV also pursued the construction of his arrière cabinet (1760 plan #8). At this time, the rooms were transformed and their decoration represent some of the finest extant examples of the style Louis XV and style Louis XVI at Versailles (Kimball, 1943). * Piganiol de la Force, Jean-Aymar (1701). 113: 79–104. Many of these rooms represent some of the finest examples of the style Louis XV. This new courtyard was called the cour intérieur du roi (1740 plan II) and the cour du roi was renamed cour des cerfs. This discovery was the impetus that compelled Nolhac to begin exhaustive research on the subject of the history of Versailles (Nolhac, 1937). In 1774, construction on the library began with the decoration being executed by the workshop of the Rousseau brothers, who had previously worked on the paneling of the cabinet de la cassette du roi and on part of the sculptural decorations of the Opéra (Verlet 1985, p. 513). "Relation de la visite de Nicodème Tessin à Marly, Versailles, Rueil, et St-Cloud en 1687". Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. This era during which Louis XV decorated the petit appartement du roi was significant in the evolution of French decorative styles of the 18th century. L'Antichambre des chiens et la Salle à manger des Retours de chasse. * Josephson, Ragnar (1926). Journal avec les additions inedites du duc de Saint-Simon. Escalier d'Épernon. * Luynes, Charles-Philippe d'Albert, duc de (1860–1865). Détail montrant l'aile séparant les deux cours, où seront installés les bains. 17 volumes. 6 pér., vol. * Kimball, Fiske (1943). 12 janv. * Meyer, Daniel (1976). In 1684, as the influence of Louis’ mistress – Françoise-Athénaïs, marquise de Montespan – waned due to her alleged involvement in the Affair of the Poisons, the king attached her rooms to his petit appartement after the marquise moved into the appartement des bains on the ground floor of the palace (Le Guillou, 1986; Verlet 1985, pp. Among the masters displayed in the room were the works from the Italian schools by Correggio, Raphael, Giorgione, Giulio Romano and Titian. The Creation of the Rococo. * Le Guillou, Jean-Claude (July–August 1986). Paris: Charles-Antoine Jombert. Antichambre des Chiens. Occupying the site of the cabinet des médailles of Louis XIV is the cabinet des jeux (1789 plan #14) of Louis XVI. volume 4. The configuration of the rooms dating from the time of Louis XIII was modified. Louis XV fait régulièrement la revue de ses troupes à Versailles, sur la place d’Armes, au son des tambours. Détail montrant l'aile séparant les deux cours, où seront installés les bains. These rooms, along with cabinet des médailles formed the main rooms of the Louis XIV's cabinets de curiosités. // In what room can we find this golden…” [7] Under Louis XVI, the pièce de la vaisselle d’or was where the king kept his collection of rare porcelains and curiosities, many received as diplomatic gifts (Verlet 1985, p. 526). Louis XIV. The utilitarian décor – a simple table, chairs and rows of shelving – reflects this usage (Verlet 1985, p. 459). Paris: Arthème Fayard. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème boiseries, intérieurs français, chateau versailles. Paris : Perrin. Versailles au XVIIIe siècle. Description sommaire de Versailles ancienne et nouvelle. C'est la création sous Louis XV de salles à manger qui a entraîné celle de pièces des buffets. By 1760, the cabinet intérieur (1760 plan #7) had become to be also known as the bureau du roi and this room came best to represent not only the personal taste of Louis XV, but it also stands as one of the finest examples of the style Louis XV. La salle à manger des Retours de chasse et l’antichambre des Chiens, la pièce des Bains du Roi et son passage particulier, le Cabinet doré ainsi que la Garde-robe de Louis XVI, toutes ces pièces ont été restaurées au cours de ces dernières années. Entre l'antichambre et le Cabinet des Perruques figure la pièce du billard et des chiens. Non loin de sa grande chambre de parade, aussi incommode que majestueuse, Louis XV se fit installer en 1738 une nouvelle chambre, plus petite et exposée au sud, donc plus aisée à chauffer. Salle à Manger des Retours de Chasse. As with his great-grandfather in his cabinet des chiens, Louis XV kept some of his hunting dogs in this room. Revue de l'Histoire de Versailles: 150–67, 274–300. Escalier conduisant aux salles du XVIIème siècle (3) In suppressing the cabinet des livres and the salon ovale of Louis XIV, Louis XV created a private room (with a small cabinet de la chaise) that communicated directly with the degré du roi in which he conducted much of the day-to-day governance of France. 2016 - Recréation du lit de Louis XVI et restitution de l'alcôve - Page 24 "From Louis XV to Louis XVI: Some Thoughts on the Petits Appartements". The cabinet aux tableaux (1693 plan #4) with its southern exposure served as a Pinacotheca for part of Louis XIV's collection of paintings. 1. Chateau de Versailles Petit appartement du roi 014.jpg 2,592 × 3,888; 4.18 MB The most significant modifications to the petit apartment du roi at this time were the relocation of the degré du roi (1760 plan #4), the construction of the salle à manger des retours de chasses (1750) (1760 plan #5), and the pièce des buffets (1754) (1760 plan #6) (Verlet 1985, p. 473-474). Conservateur en chef au musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon ] Fig. Les salles du XVIIème siècle. * Bluche, François (2000). Revue du Louvre. Further modifications of the petit appartement du roi at this time included the creation of the salon des pendules and the cabinet intérieur. The modifications of the late 1750s of the petit appartement du roi were in response to a general reorganization of the apartments in the corps de logis of the château and the destruction of the escalier des ambassadeurs (1740 plan #10). The paneling dates from the remodeling for Louis XV; however, Louis XVI ordered a total regilding of the room in 1784 (Verlet 1985, p. 526). * Cosnac, Gabriel-Jules, comte de (1984). The room originally had a window opening onto the cave du roi (1789 plan III), the courtyard that was created when the escalier des ambassadeurs was destroyed in 1752.[8]. In 1755, the cabinetmaker Gilles Joubert delivered two corner cabinets, complementing those by Antoine-Robert Gaudreau, which had been delivered in 1739, to house numismatic record of Louis XV's reign (Verlet 1985, p. 452). The petite galerie was given almost entirely to works by Italian masters with the works by Francesco Albani, Annibale Carracci, Guido Reni and Parmigianino predominating (Piganiole de la Force, 141-149; Verlet 1985, p. 234). 17, n.s., 2: 146–166. In addition to some of the most highly prized paintings of the royal collection, the salon ovale housed in four niches four bronze sculptural groups – “Jupiter” and “Juno” by Allesandro Algardi; the “Abduction of Orethyia” after the marble by Gaspard Marsy, and the “Abduction of Persephone” by François Girardon – that were esteemed as some of the finest of this genre in the king's collection. Le Tombeau de Childéric Ier, roi des Francs, restitué à l'aide de l'archéologie et des découvertes récentes faites en France, en Belgique, en Suisse, en Allemagne et en Angleterre. 20.Ağu.2014 - Château de Versailles, Galerie des Glaces, détail de la base du panneau La prise de Gand en six jours Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art. This room represents not only the personal taste of Louis XVI it also stands as one of the finest examples of the style Louis XVI decorative style. 1. Merci de désactiver votre Adblock, ou de … Paris: Derache. Explication historique de ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans la maison royale de Versailles. The collection was either reorganized in other rooms of the petit appartement du roi or sent to the bibliothèque du roi in Paris. The premier salon de la petite galerie is of particular importance as it was in this room that Louis XIV kept the painting described by Piganiole de la Force as “Le Portrait de Vie, femme d’un Florentin nommé Giaconde,” better known in English as The Mona Lisa (Piganiole de la Force, 137). Versailles immortalisé. * Baulez, Christian (1976). Under Louis XV and Louis XVI, the rooms were modified to accommodate private living quarters. 29: 85–112. 2001 - Château de Versailles : Restauration des décors de la Salle à manger des retours de chasse. In the petite galerie and its two salons, Louis XIV displayed many of the most valued paintings in his collection. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link). The decoration of the salle à manger des retours de chasses incorporated paneling and decorative elements from the salon du billard of Louis XIV (Verlet 1985, p. 442-443). Paris: Arthème Fayard. The salle à manger des retours de chasses was built upon the site of Louis XV's bath (1740 plan g) when the king wanted a dining room on the first floor in which he could entertain a small group of friends, most frequently after hunting (Bluche, 2000; Marie, 1984). Paris: Louis Conard. eds. Revue du Louvre. * Bluche, François (1986). The cabinet des coquilles originally housed some a portion of the king's gem collection. #3: 189–196. * Petitfils, Jean-Christian (2005). Paris: Draeger et Veive. #3: 175–183. The petite galerie also housed the collection of gifts Louis XIV received from foreign embassies; most notable among these diplomatic offerings were the gifts from the Chinese Jesuit, Shen Fu-Tsung (1684), which included an enormous pearl, and the gifts from the Siamese Embassy of 1685-1686 (Josephson, 1926). .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}* Blondel, Jacques-François (1752–1756).