Father of Hugh de Montfort; Ève de Montfort; Simon L'Ainé de Montfort, I; Mainier de Montfort, seigneur d'Epernon and Bertrade de Montfort Horaires d’ouverture. Half brother of Avemelle de Montfort, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/PARIS%20REGION%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc257353309. Other articles where Amaury de Montfort is discussed: Montfort Family: …Montmorency he left four sons: Amaury de Montfort (see below), who succeeded to Montfort-l’Amaury and to his father’s titles in Languedoc; Simon de Montfort, who became earl of Leicester and played a major role in English affairs; Guy de Bigorre (d. 1220); and Robert (d. 1226). It is located at the foot of low hills, at about 130 m above sea level. Contactez-nous. 3:40. 2010 gouf de Prolog vum Paris-Nice do gefuer. Montfort-l'Amaury is in Île-de-France. Resident in the year 1105: first marriage was annulled on the grounds of consanguinity. Marriages and children. [EVA (-23 Jan 1099, bur Bec abbey). "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][125]. History. He died on April 19, 1137 Mairie de Montfort l’Amaury 36 rue de Paris 78490 Montfort l’Amaury. Robert II King of France confirmed the donation of "Manasses comes" to Chartres Notre-Dame by charter dated 4 Feb 1031, signed by "…Manasses comitis, Hilduini comitis fratris eius, filorum eius Manassis et Hilduini, Burcardo de Montemorenciaco, Evrardi filii Hilduini de Britoglio, Amalrici de Monteforti, Milonis de Caprosa…"[123]. Feb 4 1052 - Montfort, Lamaury Castle, Yvelines Ile-De-France, Frankreich. Montfort-l'Amaury magas besorolású programjai esős napokra: &geo legjobb beltéri programjai. "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "Simone fratre eius comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis", by charter dated to before 1091, which also names "domnus Simon, filio suo Amalrico"[129]. SANTÉ ZEVO Recommended for you. MAINIER de Montfort (-before 1091). Familiak 1.110 ziren, horien artean 350 pertsona bakarrekoak ziren (147 bakarrik bizi ziren gizonak eta 203 bakarrik bizi ziren emakumeak), 271 seme-alabarik gabeko familiak ziren, 362 seme-alabak dituzten bikoteak ziren eta 127 seme-alabak dituzten guraso-bakarreko familiak ziren. He is named in his father's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[133]. HRE Ferdinand I's 12-Great Uncle. Amaury I built the ramparts. Feb 4 1051 - Montfort Lamaury Castle, Ile De France, France, Simon Seigneur Montfort Amauri de Montfort, Apr 1052 - Montfort-L'Amaury Castle, Yvelines, Ile De France, France, 1000 - Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France Or Montfort, Yvelines, Ile-De-France, France, Feb 4 1031 - Lamaury Castle, Montfort, Yvelines, Ile-De-France, France, Guillaume i 'Baron de Hainault' de Montfort de Bastenbourg, Albreda de Nogent de Esperon, Simon i (Seigneur of Montfort Amauri) de Montfort, After April 1052, Montfort-L'Amaury Castle, Yvelines, Ile De France, France, Guillaume Seigneur de Montfort-L'Amaury de Hainault, Albreda of Montfort Albreda Heiress of Montfort de Esperon, Guillaume Seigneur de Montfort-L'Amaury de Hainaut, Albreda de Montfort, Montfort, Yvelines, Ile-De-France, France. [3], In 1239 he departed for the Holy Land on a Barons' Crusade with Theobald I of Navarre, Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy and many other prominent nobles of the realm. 1. m ---. "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][128]. Montfort-l'Amaury tī Hoat-kok ê tāi-lio̍k ūi-tì Keng-hūi-tō͘ : 48°46′38″N 1°48′33″E  /  48.77722°N 1.80917°E  / 48.77722; 1 Kok-ka The name of Amaury's wife is not known. Tekintsen meg 143 utazói értékelést és fényképet a Tripadvisoron Montfort-l'Amaury látnivalóiról amelyeket esős időben is érdemes felkeresni For the count of Évreux sometimes known as Amaury VI de Montfort, see, County of Leicester: a Difficult Heritage, Revue française d'héraldique et de sigillographie, 1991, Tomes n° 60-61, A very detailed description can be found in the, The most detailed description can be found in the book, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amaury_de_Montfort_(died_1241)&oldid=992166222, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Marguerite (Margaret) (d. 1289 or 1290), married to, Adela (or Alix) (1230 – 28 March 1279), married to Simon of Nesle (1220–1288), This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 21:14. Son of Simon I Comte de Montfort and Agnès d'Évreux. “…Almarici de Monteforti…” witnessed the charter dated 1028 under which Robert II King of France confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy[122]. 126 likes. She is named in her husband's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[131]. Skládá se z 29 obcí . Seigneur d'Epernon. From Castle Montfort-l'Amaury, that is. Kanton Montfort-l'Amaury (fr. The King Louis IX did not go on crusade, but gave the expedition a royal character by permitting Amaury to carry the Fleur-de-lys. Amaury & his wife had two children: i) SIMON . These photos of Montfort-l'Amaury are available for you to use: daydreaming or simple curiosity, memories of your last holiday or preparation for your… Amaury & his wife had two children: i) SIMON . The Seigneurs de Montfort-l'Amaury were vassals of the Comtes de Beaumont[sur-Oise], as shown by the charter dated to before 1091 under which "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "…comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis"[120]. Died: 1220. It is unknown when Amaury joined him in the south, but he could possibly arrive in spring 1210, when his mother came there bringing reinforcements for his father. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. SIMON de Montfort (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon). Børnebørn: Gilbert III de Crispin , Isabel (Elizabeth) De Montfort , Bertrade De Montfort (l 'Amauri) , Amauri III (Amaury, IV) De Montfort , Eve De Montfort, Fra http://fabpedigree.com/s056/f017515.htm. “…Almarici de Monteforti…” witnessed the charter dated 1028 under which Robert II King of France confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy[122]. Indicem communium praefecturae Evelinarum; Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Montfort-l'Amaury spectant. He died about 1053 TO ABT 1051 in AFTER April 1052, Montfort-l'Amaury Castle, Yvelines, Ile De France, France. Ang Montfort-l'Amaury usa ka komyun sa Pransiya. Other articles where Montfort-l’Amaury is discussed: Montfort Family: …lordship in the Île-de-France (Montfort-l’Amaury); this lordship first became famous in French and English history because of its association with members of the family, which held it in the 13th century; it was transmitted to a junior branch of the Capetian house of Dreux, which furnished dukes of Brittany… Ilay kaominina dia kaominina mpikambana amin'ny fivondronan-kaominin'i ii) MAINIER . PM Churchill's 20-Great Uncle. Montfort-l'Amaury est commune Francicum 3'073 incolarum (anno 2012) praefecturae Evelinarum in regione Insula Franciae.. Nexus interni. From Castle Montfort-l'Amaury, that is. Amaury III de Montfort (died 1137) was seigneur de Montfort l'Amaury from 1101 to 1137 and comte d'Évreux from 1118 to 1137. "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][127]. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He died in Otranto later the same year on his way home and was buried, at the Pope's order, in St. Peter's Basilica; his heart, according to his own wish at his death, was brought to the Abbey of Haute-Bruyère near Montfort-l'Amaury where Aubry Le Cornu, bishop of Chartres, enclosed it in an effigy.[6]. 3. The "ford" in our name comes not from the English word for "crossing," but from the French "fort," meaning a fortress or castle, which when joined with "mul" or "mont" ("hill") means we come "from the Castle on the Hill." m ELISABETH, daughter of ---. b) GUILLAUME de Montfort . Amauri Comt de Montfort. Son of Lord Guillaume de Hainaut, Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury & Count de Haynault and Albreda de Montfort Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter de Montfort l’Amaury pour recevoir chaque mois les dernières infos sur la ville. Montfort-l'Amaury is a village of Yvelines, in the Île-de-France region, 45 km west of Paris.. The name of Amaury's wife is not known. 01 34 86 74 17 Contactez-nous par e-mail. Robert II King of France confirmed the donation of "Manasses comes" to Chartres Notre-Dame by charter dated 4 Feb 1031, signed by "…Manasses comitis, Hilduini comitis fratris eius, filorum eius Manassis et Hilduini, Burcardo de Montemorenciaco, Evrardi filii Hilduini de Britoglio, Amalrici de Monteforti, Milonis de Caprosa…"[123]. HM George I's 13-Great Uncle. The precise date of his death is unknown. “Comes Ivo de Bello monte, Ebo miles, Guarinus miles Parisius, Almaricus miles de Monteforte” witnessed the charter dated 1022 under which Robert II King of France confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy[121]. After his death, Amaury became count of Leicester, but, as a liegeman of the French king, he could not be a vassal of the King of England at the same time. Amaury de Montfort (1192[1] – 1241) was the son of Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester and Alix de Montmorency, and the brother of Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester. from whom he separated. He spent the next 18 months in the dungeons of Cairo where he was treated more severely than the other prisoners because he would not tell the sultan who were the other prisoners. ], http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc172613568. In 1224, he ceded his titles and lands in Languedoc to King Louis VIII. As his father's successor, he inherited the County of Toulouse (that his father had taken from Raymond VI of Toulouse as a reward for his role in the Crusade) and other titles and lands in Languedoc. Seigneur d'Epernon. 1. [1] +/- Montfort-l’Amaury Bazoches-sur-Guyonne , Grosrouvre , Méré , Les Mesnuls és Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines községekkel határos. I Hervé Planchenault no ben'ny tanàna mandritry ny taona 2008–14. The town developed north of the forest of Rambouillet, in an area of hills between woods and crops.. With a castle from the tenth century, Montfort-l'Amaury is the stronghold of a powerful seigneury, the Montfort family, and became a county in the twelfth century. He is named in his father's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[132]. [EVA (-23 Jan 1099, bur Bec abbey). He m. 1stly, Richeude, daughter of Baldwin, Count of Hainault, and Ida de Louvain. Børnebørn: Gilbert III de Crispin , Isabel (Elizabeth) De Montfort , Bertrade De Montfort (l 'Amauri) , Amauri III (Amaury, IV) De Montfort , Eve De Montfort. 3. In exchange, Montfort-l'Amaury was elevated to a county, and several years later, in 1230, Amaury succeeded his uncle Mathieu II of Montmorency as Constable of France. 2007an Montfort-l'Amaury udalerrian erroldatutako biztanleak 3.088 ziren. Her possible affiliation is explained in the Complete Peerage[134]. m BERTRADE, daughter of --- (-after Apr 1052). Amauri I, 1st seigneur de Montfort, attested a charter of Robert I of France as "Sie. Seigneur d'Epernon. The "ford" in our name comes not from the English word for "crossing," but from the French "fort," meaning a fortress or castle, which when joined with "mul" or "mont" ("hill") means we come "from the Castle on the Hill." He m. 2ndly, Agnès, daughter of Anseau de Garlende, Comte de Rochefort. La maison de Charles Aznavour à Montfort l'Amaury en vente, mais pas à n'importe quel... - Duration: 3:40. Born: 993, Montfort-l'Amaury, Yvelines, Ile-de-France; Marriage: Bertrarde in 1028; Died: After 4 Feb 1031, Montfort-l'Amaury, Yvelines, Ile-de-France Noted events in his life were: Background Information: 141 Amuri de Montfort attested to charters of Robert I of France in 1022, 1028, and again on 4 Feb 1031. Not from a mountain crossing, muddy crossing, sandy crossing, mill crossing, mule crossing, mole crossing, or any other sort of crossing purported by some. Canton de Montfort-l'Amaury) je francouzský kanton v departementu Yvelines v regionu Île-de-France. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He attested a charter for Notre-Dame de Chartres of Robert I of France as "Signum Amalrici de Monteforti" on 4 February 1031. Pad at pävotükon lätiküno tü düp 03:45, ün 2013 mäzul 15id. Montfort-l'Amaury is situated south of Méré. Guy de MONTFORT-L'AMAURY. He was the son of Simon I, seigneur de Montfort, and his wife Agnès d'Évreux. Cantonul Montfort-l'Amaury este un canton din arondismentul Rambouillet, departamentul Yvelines, regiunea Île-de-France, Franța. The primary sources which confirm the parentage and marriages of the members of the following family have not yet been identified, unless otherwise stated below. His father departed on the Albigensian Crusade in 1209. He was knighted on 24 June 1213 in Castelnaudary in the course of a particularly solemn ceremony[2] and continued to fight under his father's command until his death at Toulouse on 25 June 1218. m GUILLAUME Crispin, son of GILBERT [I] Crispin & his wife Gunnora --- (-Bec 8 Jan 1074). Husband of Bertrada de Gometz Comte, d'Evreux, Sieur, de Montfort-l'Amaury. 1133. Lakosainak száma 2940 fő (2017. január 1.) Montfort-l'Amaury from Mapcarta, the free map. He is named in his father's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[132]. Mainier & his wife had two children: a) AMAURY de Montfort . Demografia Biztanleria. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Seigneur de RAMBOUILLET. Since his wife and children appear in a charter in this year, consenting to gifts he had made, it may well be he was already dead. ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm ) -------------------- HM George I s 16-oldefar. "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][125]. m BERTRADE, daughter of --- (-after Apr 1052). His father inherited the county of Leicester from his mother, Amicie de Beaumont, daughter of Robert III de Beaumont. Sire de Montfort-l'Amaury. D'Märei Dës Säit gouf de(n) 29. Death of Amaury I, seigneur de Montfort at Montfort-... Amaury I, seigneur de Montfort worked at Seigneur of... Amaury I, seigneur de Montfort worked as Sieur, de M... "Baron De Montfort", "Seigneur De Montfort /Amauri/", "Amauri /Montfort/", Sieur, de Montfort-l'Amaury, Sgr de Montfort (78) & Espernon 1022/1052. Obce kantonu [ editovat | editovat zdroj ] Montfort-l'Amaury ass eng franséisch Gemeng am Departement Yvelines an der Île-de-France. Montfort-l'Amaury lies north of the Rambouillet Forest. However, the affair lasted for almost a decade: only on 11 April 1239 Amaury officially renounced his rights in England, and King Henry III recognised Simon as earl of Leicester. He attested a charter of Robert I of France as "S. Almarici de Monteforti" in 1028. He is named in his father's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[133]. The Montforts were the vassals of the king of France for Montfort and also vassals to the king of England (in their capacity as Dukes of Normandy) for Évreux. He was married about 1022 in Of, Ile De France, France to Bertrada de Gometz, they gave birth to 1 child. 2. in the year 1118 unknown in became Count of Mortain and Evreux. Amaury was married to Beatrix (1205 – 17 September of some year after 1248[7]), daughter of Guigues VI of Viennois, and was the father of: Amaury as he appeared in a window of Chartres Cathedral, "Amaury VI" and "Amaury VI de Montfort" redirect here. Amaury was the one for whom Montfort-l'Amaury was named. Montfort-l’Amaury település Franciaországban, Yvelines megyében. Almaricus miles de Montforti" in 1022. b) GUILLAUME de Montfort . Kantoni Montfort-l'Amaury (frëngjisht: Canton de Montfort-l'Amaury) është një kanton në departamentin Yvelines, rajonin Île-de-France në Francë.Kryeqëndra e kantonit është Montfort-l'Amaury.Ka sipërfaqe 194.22km 2 dhe popullsi 43854 banorë. AMAURY de Montfort, son of --- (-after Apr 1052). Amauri (Amaury) de Montfort was born about 1000 TO ABT 1000 in Évreux, Haute-Normandie, France, son of Guillaume de Hainault and Albreda of Montfort Albreda de Esperon. Information about Montfort-l'Amaury Castle in France: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montfort-l%27Amaury. HRE Charles VI's 15-Great Uncle. Sire de Montfort-l'Amaury. In exchange, Montfort-l'Amaury was elevated to a county, and several years later, in 1230, Amaury succeeded his uncle Mathieu II of Montmorency as Constable of France. AMAURY de Montfort, son of --- (-after Apr 1052). Amauri died circa 1053. By 1230, Amaury and Simon, his only surviving brother, decided to split their father's inheritance: Amaury would retain Montfort-l'Amaury in France, and Simon would receive Leicester in England. County of Leicester: a Difficult Heritage. He granted a free passage at Saint-Piat to the monks of Saint-Père, II, in which his wife and two sons are named[130]. HRH Albert II's 21-Great Grandfather. Geni requires JavaScript! . She is named in her husband's charter to the monks of Saint-Père[131]. Montfort-l'Amaury labon belödanis 3 137 (1999). "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][126]. MAINIER de Montfort (-before 1091). [4] On 13 November 1239, he was taken prisoner during a disastrous battle under Henry of Bar at Gaza, during which Henry was killed, and led to Egypt with six hundred other prisoners. SIMON de Montfort (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon). He was the son of Amaury III de Montfort, lord of Montfort l'Amaury and count of Évreux, and Agnes of Garlande.. Montfort-l'Amaury pictures: Check out Tripadvisor members' 612 candid photos and videos of landmarks, hotels, and attractions in Montfort-l'Amaury. "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d´Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][127]. Ĝi havis 3 138 loĝantojn en la jaro 2010 Geografio. He granted a free passage at Saint-Piat to the monks of Saint-Père, II, in which his wife and two sons are named[130]. 2. ... les pavés de ses ruelles jadis frôlés par les jupes d'Anne de Bretagne, comtesse de Montfort entre 1477 et 1514. Born: ? Montfort-l'Amaury Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,833 reviews of Montfort-l'Amaury Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Montfort-l'Amaury resource. [5] He was freed on 23 April 1241, along with other French prisoners, after the crusaders under Richard of Cornwall and the sultan of Egypt have concluded an alliance against the sultan of Damascus. Kone / partner: Bertrade (d 'Epernon) de GOMETZ Børn: Eva De Montfort , Simon I (Sn., de) MONTFORT, Hans (evt.) Amauri began the building of Montfort, the castle which took its name for him, Montfort-l'Amaury, described as a "castrum" at Yvelines, Île-de-France. His father inherited the county of Leicester from his mother, Amicie de Beaumont, daughter of Robert III de Beaumont. Montfort-l'Amaury là một xã trong vùng hành chính Île-de-France, thuộc tỉnh Yvelines, quận Rambouillet, tổng Montfort-l'Amaury.Tọa độ địa lý của xã là 48° 46' vĩ … m ---. “Comes Ivo de Bello monte, Ebo miles, Guarinus miles Parisius, Almaricus miles de Monteforte” witnessed the charter dated 1022 under which Robert II King of France confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy[121]. "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "Simone fratre eius comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis", by charter dated to before 1091, which also names "domnus Simon, filio suo Amalrico"[129].