Watch the video below to hear from alumni now working at FIFA, the IOC, UEFA, FISU and more. Licence Management du Sport Faculté des Sciences du Sport de Strasbourg ABA. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Le lundi 14 septembre, les 30 alternants du Master Wellness Management se sont retrouvés au 7Hotel&Spa**** pour une... William Gasparini, professeur à la Faculté des sciences du sport vient d’obtenir de la Commission européenne (Erasmus+)... L’Université de Strasbourg et ses donateurs soutiennent les étudiants méritants, en proposant des bourses pouvant... C'est au tour de Jennifer et William de la L3 APAS de nous montrer de quoi ils sont capables ! Your email address was added to the newsletter. Inhalte des Studiums: Das Besondere an diesem Studiengang: Dieser Sportbusiness-Master beinhaltet 80 Prozent sportspezifische Lehrinhalte – damit werden die Studierenden zum absoluten Branchenexperten. Le lundi 16 septembre, les étudiants du Master Wellness Management ont eu l'occasion de vivre une rentrée atypique et... Chercheur en sciences du sport avec une orientation psychologie, Christophe Schnitzler vient de décrocher un Idex pour... Pour ceux d'entre vous qui envisagent une réorientation dans les métiers de la natation, voici une formation qui peut... Pour l’association ou l’organisation à but non lucratif de ton choix, imagine un projet local, sportif et durable pour... Faculté des sciences du sport | F3S For the last year of my Master degree, I chose to follow the courses of “International Wine Business Management & Tourism” at EM Strasbourg. The AISTS degree is co-signed by some of the best academic and technology institutes in Switzerland. Leipzig. Master Sportbusiness Management. The CAWEB master’s degree provides instruction in website creation and management as well as localization and is offered as an on-campus program in French and as an online, distance-learning program in English. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SPORT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Retrouvez la liste complète des formations et des écoles dans notre annuaire de formations pour etudiant le plus complet de France. - Master Part-time. janvier 2021, 28 University of Strasbourg or Université de Strasbourg (UDS) - public higher education institution in France.UDS began its activity in 1537. Bâtiment | Le Portique - 14 rue René Descartes - 67084 Strasbourg Cedex - Plan d'accès, Université de Strasbourg – 2019-2021 - Tous droits réservés Sie erreichen uns unter 0800 478 0800 oder per E-Mail an Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Master Sport - Infos zum Masterstudium direkt zur Übersicht der Master-Studiengänge in Sport. Abschluss: Master of Arts (M.A.) “The not-for-profit AISTS was established by the IOC and other respected organisations and academic institutions to respond directly to this need. The FIFA Master - International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport. Master 2 Sport Management (Full Time Programme & Apprenticeship) Strategy. “AISTS routinely produces highly-trained graduates, many of whom have gone on to play leading roles in the world of sport, and offers leading expertise and technical services to a wide range of key players inside and outside the Olympic Movement,” Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee. Flexibilität – Studieren Sie flexibel neben Sport & Beruf, mit unserem innovativen semi-virtuellen Studienkonzept! Innovation ManagementMaster in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship: Investigation Methodology2nd Cycle in Sport Training - High Performance Training e Youth Training: Landscape Architecture Master's degree in Landscape Architecture: Language Sciences-translationMaster in Translation and Language Services: Language Teaching (Portuguese)Masters in Portuguese as … Master Wellness Management : une rentrée au Resort Barrière de Ribeauvillé. “As the sport industry grows increasingly larger and more complex, it requires the skills and acumen of a growing number of experts trained in all aspects of sport management, including human, life and engineering sciences. Universität Leipzig. Du kombinierst also dein sportliches Know-How mit diversen Management- und Organisationsaufgaben. With a bachelor specialised in Tourism and a first year of Master degree at the University of Angers called “ Wine, Gastronomy & Tourism”, I wanted to be part of this program for 2 main reasons. Sport Management Master of Science ️ . ; Fachexpertise – Lernen Sie von echten Größen des Sportmanagements und wenden Sie das Wissen direkt in der Praxis an! … Normally, your studies will take four semesters. Offene Stellen für den dualen Master-Studiengang Sportbusiness Management finden Sie in unserer Jobbörse. Elles... Gilles Erb, a été élu président de la fédération française de tennis de table le 6 décembre 2020. Kosten an der EM Straßburg: ca. Master of Arts (MA) Kosten. © Copyright 2020 Académie Internationale des Sciences et Techniques du Sport (AISTS), all rights reserved. in der Fachrichtung Sportbusiness Management. Ziel des Masterstudiengangs Sportmanagement ist es, dich auf eine Führungspositionen im Bereich Sport und Gesundheit vorzubereiten. Register. The Master of Business (Sport Management) degree consist of 16 credit points, however some students may be eligible to earn the degree with 12 credit points depending on previous studies and work experience by attaining 4 credit points of entry credit. Master in Sportmanagement - Und danach? Vidéo de présentation et de valorisation du Master Management et Gestion Publics de Sciences Po Strasbourg. Endorsed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), … Mit einem Master in Management der EBS heben Sie sich von der Masse ab. Sportmanagement Master of Science ️ . The Master in Management (MiM) at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is a one-year program designed to deliver management skills and knowledge to young graduates from a wide range of backgrounds and with little experience in the business world.. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Professeur agrégé... Suite aux recommandations ministérielles, l'ensemble des cours auront désormais lieu en enseignement en distanciel, à... Vous donner les moyens de poursuivre vos études dans les meilleurs conditions possibles est notre priorité. Domaine conception web | DCWeb - Direction du numérique | Dnum, 11 We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Par mesure de précaution et en raison du coronavirus, la Faculté fermera ses portes à partir de lundi 16 mars 2020. International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) in partnership with De Montfort University (England), SDA Bocconi School of Management (Italy), the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) Master 1 Strategic management (Full Time Programme) Master 2 Innovation Management (Executive Education & Apprenticeship) Master 2 Innovation Management (Full Time Programme) Master 2 Strategic Business Development (Full Time Programme and Apprenticeship) Master 2 Master of Science in Strategy and … By studying at AISTS you are truly immersed in the global world of sport. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. À l’Université de Strasbourg, l’accès aux... Vous souhaitez intégrer la prochaine promotion de la Licence Pro ? Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Darüber hinaus werden sie im Bereich des General Managements auf … The University of Strasbourg closes its doors starting from saturday 19th of december, until the 4th of january 2021 for the Christmas holidays. Munich Business School. Some of the Masters programs are aimed directly at people who are already employed in sports organizations or sport-related companies. Ranked the No.1 Sports Management Masters in the world by the independent Eduniversal rankings, The AISTS Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology degree is a unique 15-month international postgraduate program in sport management. 11 months. The Master of Management is taught at the University's Graduate School, located in Madrid city center's Puerta de Toledo campus. Site web réalisé par le Retrouvez les formations MBA et Bachelor. Effizienz – Sparen Sie Zeit, mit unserem hervorragend eingegrenztem Lernmaterial! Das Masterstudium Sport ist sehr berufsbezogen und praxisnah ausgerichtet – das heißt: Sport, Sport, Sport! De... L’accès aux études de santé sera fondamentalement réformé dès la rentrée 2020. Das Programm bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, eine Kombination von Modulen auszuwählen, die zu einem Abschluss mit den Schwerpunkten Strategie & Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital Business oder Mobility führen und Sie zum Experten in Ihrem favorisierten Managementbereich machen. If you wish to begin your Master of Sports Management you will be required to present a completed Bachelor’s in a related field. Inhalte und Aufbau des Masterstudiums Sport. The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona was ranked the best Spanish university in the 2015-16 edition of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, occupying position 146 in the world ranking. Les élections pour les 4 postes vacants des représentants étudiants au conseil de faculté ont été reportées. Fill in the form below and a member of our admissions team will be in touch. Ranked the No.1 Sports Management Masters in the world by the independent Eduniversal rankings, The AISTS Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology degree is a unique 15-month international postgraduate program in sport management.. Mainz. Master Sport (Fachrichtung) | Sport bezeichnet eine Reihe von Bewegungsarten, die dem Spiel oder Wettkampf dienen und die ohne weiterführenden Zweck ausgeführt werden. Admission Requirements for Masters of Sports Management. Endorsed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the program is located in Lausanne, Switzerland – The Olympic Capital – home to the IOC, over 50+ international sporting federations, and FIFA and UEFA are just a short distance away. Sportwissenschaft, Profil C – Internationales Sportmanagement Master of Science ☀️ . - Plan du site - Mentions légales - Crédits - Gestion des cookies Im weitesten Sinne kombinierst du dein sportliches Know-How mit Management-und Organisationsaufgaben. University ranking. Find out if you’re eligible for the AISTS MAS in Sport Administration and Technology. ... L'université de Strasbourg, campus d'excellence - … Sign In. Compare Master's Degrees in Strasbourg in France 2021. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Die Sportwissenschaften sind ein interdisziplinäres Feld, die sich in umfassender Weise mit den Phänomenen und Problemen des Sports beschäftigen. The Executive Master in Global Sport Governance (MESGO) is a unique programme designed for sports sector professionals wishing to master the complex dimensions and the diversity of international practices related to professional sport on an international level. University of Strasbourg is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities of France taking its rightful place among the top 5 educational institutions of the country. It is also necessary for the login functionality on this site. For more information, contact or phone our office on +41 21 692 6480. Loading... Unsubscribe from ABA? Kosten an der ESB Business School: Semesterbeitrag ab Sommersemester 2019: 167,30 € für reguläre Studierende (Studierendenwerkbeitrag und Verwaltungskostenbeitrag) und 97,30 € für Austauschstudierende . Ein Master in Sportmanagement bereitet dich auf Führungspositionen im Bereich Sport und Gesundheit vor. février 2021, Annuaire du personnel administratif et enseignant, Licence Sciences pour la santé parcours STAPS, Unité de recherche - Sport et sciences sociales | E3S, Chaire Jean Monnet - Sport passeur d'Europe, Partenariat avec le Scientific College of Greece, Équipe de recherche - Sport et sciences sociales | E3S, Activités physiques adaptées et santé - Ingénierie et développement, Agrégation et recherche en activités physiques et sportives, MEEF 2d degré - Enseigner l'éducation physique et sportive, Domaine conception web | DCWeb - Direction du numérique. MBway, l'École de commerce et de management qui donne un vrai sens à votre avenir professionnel. FIND OUT IF YOU’RE ELIGIBLE FOR THE AISTS SPORTS MANAGEMENT MASTER. Held in Lausanne, the Olympic Capital, participants are trained by experts in sport and academics, in the following multidisciplinary fields applied directly to sport: Our program includes 9 months in the classroom (lectures, case studies, activities and field trips), 2 months of work experience in the sport industry, with the rest of the time spent on a client team project and research paper. Master : Liste des masters 1 et 2 Management du sport. All about this master, Master 2 Management du Tourisme Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School, ranked n°33 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Gerne beraten wir Sie persönlich und helfen Ihnen bei der Suche nach dem richtigen Ausbildungsbetrieb. Both institutions jointly deliver the Official Master’s Degree in Sport Management linked to the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UAB.